


Free NBA basketball player stats and splits in simple, easy to read tables. This page tracks game score statistics.From Magic Johnson to Michael Jordan to LeBron James to Steph Curry, ESPN's Howard Bryant presents the best from the hardwood--a collection of NBA champions ...Stay in the game with NBA 2K Mobile! Build your team of basketball All-Stars and experience authentic NBA plays & action on your phone.已推出的遊戲包括《NBA Blast》、《NBA Hoop Connect》、《NBA Rank》、《NBA IQ》、《NBA Full Court Guess》及《NBA Player Path》。 我可以從哪裡進入 ...Player List ;. Tyrese HaliburtonPlayer Note IND - PG,SG. ;. Jalen WilliamsPlayer Note OKC - SG,SF,PF,C · 8:00 pm vs NOP. ;In Basketball GM, you are the general manager of a basketball team. Running a basketball team requires you to make tough decisions. - Should you re-sign a ...From Magic Johnson to Michael Jordan to LeBron James to Steph Curry, ESPN's Howard Bryant presents the best from the hardwood--a collection of NBA champions ...《2K22》是世界知名暢銷《NBA 2K》籃球電玩遊戲系列的最新作品,快上街頭籃球場建立你的豐功偉業。From Magic Johnson to Michael Jordan to LeBron James to Steph Curry, ESPN's Howard Bryant presents the best from the hardwood--a collection ...Featuring over 500 Basketball Players! – Can you guess them all? Guess the NBA Basketball Players! CHALLENGE YOUR NBA BASKETBALL KNOWLEDGE! Test your skills and ...我們帶來了最新最熱門的豐富金曲,讓大家一整年能聽著好歌盡情投籃!我們的播放清單大幅擴展,增添了大量的流行歌曲,為各位帶來最棒的音樂聆聽體驗。 For current-gen players, don’t fret: the Neighborhood received a massive upgrade as well, and takes place on the Cancha Del Mar, a cruise ship loaded with courts and more waiting on every deck. NBA 2K22 is transporting players to new locales on a spacious luxury cruise where you can compete, dine, and participate in all-new quests. During the Season, the ship will dock at exotic destinations where players can disembark and participate in shoreside Events. Regardless of whether you’re on or off the ship, the Neighborhood has ample activities to keep you entertained on your staycation. The game has changed and big men are no longer lumbering, sluggish players, and the mechanics shouldn't feel that way either. We’ve added an all-new arsenal of moves, including back-to-basket and face-ups to fully complement the new-age post player. There are new cancels and fakes that can be strung together to put defenders in a blender and out of position. Ball security has also changed for the better, making it easier to avoid steals and reduce turnovers. All of these changes create a more enjoyable experience for post players and once you’ve mastered the moves, you’ll be virtually unstoppable. Creating separation often starts with a quick first step, but an all-star ball-handler can get creative with any dribble package to evade their defender. Dribbling is a fundamental part of the game and many players have signature moves they use to make plays. With a simple flick of your thumb you can string together any number of signature size-ups, but feeling the rhythm of your size-ups will keep your opponent dancing. There are around 50 unique signature size-ups at your disposal; try them out and break some ankles. Establishing a paint presence is vital for any team, which is why we’ve rebuilt AI lane assist from scratch this year. In the event a player gets beat defending the lane by the opposition, AI will now recognize whether or not they need to send help to protect the basket. In addition, defenders now have improved logic when it comes to hedging screens and identifying their assignment. NBA 2K22 features the biggest defensive settings update in recent years and you’re sure to see the results. NBA 2K22 is the most authentic basketball experience to date, as we’ve fine-tuned the controls on both offense and defense. Feel the defense as you drive down the lane, shed defenders with signature moves and combos, and contest shots with an all-new blocking system. Players will be rewarded for their knowledge of different moves, which will result in added separation. Feel and see the results for yourself! Developing a shot meter that’s realistic to the ebbs and flows of a jumper in real life was a priority this year. Identifying the right window of opportunity to take a shot will be rewarded with a generous shot meter, giving you a better chance of draining a bucket; however, if you heave up a contested shot the shot meter will shrink in size and have a decreased chance of going in. You’ll also experience changes to the shot window as your stamina fluctuates over the course of the game, making it easier with more rest and more challenging when exhausted. We’re promoting fundamental basketball by encouraging players to move the ball, avoid stagnant offensive sets, and get the ball in the hands of the open shooter. On new-gen consoles, players drop into a living, breathing city, filled with plenty of avenues and courts to explore. Encounter fresh faces and talk with citizens to complete quests and learn more about all the City has to offer. The new quest system will push players to peel back the layers of NBA 2K22 and will be rewarded with a fully immersive experience. Plus, the City will enable players to enter online multiplayer games faster via matchmaking buildings placed around the City. NBA 2K22 gives players what they want: more rewards, quicker matchmaking, and a more authentic experience.Printed from TeamRankings.com - © 2005-2025 Team Rankings, LLC. All Rights Reserved. TeamRankings.com is not affiliated with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA®) or March Madness Athletic Association, neither of which has supplied, reviewed, approved or endorsed the material on this site. TeamRankings.com is solely responsible for this site but makes no guarantee about the accuracy or completeness of the information herein. © 2005-2025 Team Rankings, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Statistical data provided by Gracenote . The stats on this page exclude preseason games, but include data from all other games, including the regular season and postseason, and the in-season tournament final. The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity: - New Players Ready for the 2023/2024 NBA Season! - Many Player Pictures Updated and Refreshed! - More Players to be added soon.. Challenge your NBA Basketball Knowledge! Featuring over 500 Basketball Players! – Can you guess them all? Guess the NBA Basketball Players! CHALLENGE YOUR NBA BASKETBALL KNOWLEDGE! Test your skills and find out how many NBA players you can identify. TOP BASKETBALL PLAYERS! Featuring over 500 NBA Players from the best basketball league in the world - The NBA! LOVE BASKETBALL? With over 500 NBA Basketball Players! – Can you guess them all? Download now and see how far you can get... 開發者「 ARE Apps Ltd 」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱 開發者的隱私權政策 。 The NBA identifications are the intellectual property of NBA Properties, Inc. © 2024 NBA Properties, Inc. All Rights Reserved. © 2025 Yahoo Fantasy Sports LLC. All rights reserved.以前所未有的方式收集NBA球星,組織海藍寶石、紫色剛玉、薔薇石英等層級球員打造夢幻陣。 享受高潮迭起的NBA籃球體驗,每場比賽都充滿挑戰,並帶來逼真的場面與驚豔的視覺效果。 從Michael Jordan、Shaquille O’Neal等NBA傳奇人物,到LeBron James、Steph Curry等當今超級巨星,帶你身歷其境NBA的輝煌榮耀。 真實籃球賽有什麼不可或缺的要素?《NBA 2K Mobile》網羅美國籃球協會的真實隊伍與球員,提供沉浸式的逼真遊戲體驗。 造訪《NBA 2K》網路商店即可獲得每日免費獎勵,若購買金幣包還會贈送額外金幣,更可享用更多其他超棒優惠。 "掌控全場,改寫籃球歷史,NBA 2K Mobile 第七賽季帶來全新籃球體驗享受煥然一新的視覺效果和全新的遊戲玩法,還可以換上引領潮流的裝備,隨時隨地盡情暢玩。 倒帶模式:實現你的籃球夢想!全新模式讓你重溫並改寫NBA賽季的高光時刻。參加每日挑戰,登上排行榜首位,贏取專屬稀有獎勵! 球員與局部鎖定玩法:專注於一位球員或只掌控進攻/防守,讓你以多種方式精進你的籃球技藝。 在PvP模式中挑戰朋友。從緊張的5對5比賽中脫穎而出,參加3對3比賽磨練球技,或在共有7場比賽的錦標賽中鏖戰奪勝。 用每月收藏的新行頭自訂你的MyPLAYER,在跟隊友一起上場比賽前,記得先展現你的獨特個人風格。 為你隊伍的球衣、標誌和球場設計增添個性巧思,增進你的《NBA 2K Mobile》遊戲體驗。為你的MyPLAYER換上最新裝備,帥氣有型地震撼球場。 提升排名,邁向NBA總冠軍,在聯盟排行榜往上爬,在網路世界中闖蕩出籃球傳奇人物的名號。 從新秀開始,一路蛻變成NBA超級巨星,參加眾所矚目的季後賽與NBA決賽!同時,預測你最心儀的隊伍在錦標賽中的表現。 如果你在關注NBA直播,不妨在這款遊戲中重現你喜愛的精彩比賽,炒熱氣氛,等待下一場盛大籃球賽的到來。 你有本事帶領隊伍在NBA榮耀加身嗎?化身NBA經理,打造你的夢幻隊伍。 甄選你的全明星陣容,為取得最終勝利制定每場比賽的策略,進入最刺激的NBA季後賽。用流暢的運球和靈活的步伐來擊敗對手。 組建並管理自己的籃球隊,在多種遊戲模式中競技,體驗正宗的NBA玩法。 Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. 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